So here's some VBA for doing this. You'll have to set up a UI, and pass in the shape to use (get selected shape using: ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1) ). So basically the code looks at the passed in shape, creates a new shape, copies all the properties from the old shape to the new, and deletes the old shape.
Function UpdateImage_BuildNewFromFile(TheImage As PowerPoint.Shape, ImageFile As String) As Boolean
' Create a new shape and add the image (unlinked) from TheImage, copy attributes and size, position, etc...
UpdateImage_BuildNewFromFile = True
On Error Resume Next
'On Error GoTo PROC_ERR
If TheImage Is Nothing Then GoTo PROC_ERR_BELOW
If ImageFile = "" Then GoTo PROC_ERR_BELOW
If Not TypeOf TheImage.Parent Is Slide Then GoTo PROC_ERR_BELOW
Dim TheSlide As PowerPoint.Slide
Set TheSlide = TheImage.Parent
Dim NewShape As PowerPoint.Shape
Set NewShape = TheSlide.Shapes.AddPicture(ImageFile, msoFalse, msoTrue, 100, 100)
With NewShape
With .PictureFormat
.CropBottom = TheImage.PictureFormat.CropBottom
.CropLeft = TheImage.PictureFormat.CropLeft
.CropRight = TheImage.PictureFormat.CropRight
.CropTop = TheImage.PictureFormat.CropTop
.Brightness = TheImage.PictureFormat.Brightness
.ColorType = TheImage.PictureFormat.ColorType
.Contrast = TheImage.PictureFormat.Contrast
.TransparentBackground = TheImage.PictureFormat.TransparentBackground
End With
.Left = TheImage.Left
.Top = TheImage.Top
.Width = TheImage.Width
.Height = TheImage.Height
SetZPosition NewShape, TheImage.ZOrderPosition
With .AnimationSettings
.AdvanceMode = TheImage.AnimationSettings.AdvanceMode
.AdvanceTime = TheImage.AnimationSettings.AdvanceTime
.AfterEffect = TheImage.AnimationSettings.AfterEffect
.Animate = TheImage.AnimationSettings.Animate
.AnimateBackground = TheImage.AnimationSettings.AnimateBackground
.AnimateTextInReverse = TheImage.AnimationSettings.AnimateTextInReverse
.AnimationOrder = TheImage.AnimationSettings.AnimationOrder
.ChartUnitEffect = TheImage.AnimationSettings.ChartUnitEffect
.DimColor = TheImage.AnimationSettings.DimColor
.EntryEffect = TheImage.AnimationSettings.EntryEffect
With .PlaySettings
.ActionVerb = TheImage.AnimationSettings.PlaySettings.ActionVerb
.HideWhileNotPlaying = TheImage.AnimationSettings.PlaySettings.HideWhileNotPlaying
.LoopUntilStopped = TheImage.AnimationSettings.PlaySettings.LoopUntilStopped
.PauseAnimation = TheImage.AnimationSettings.PlaySettings.PauseAnimation
.PlayOnEntry = TheImage.AnimationSettings.PlaySettings.PlayOnEntry
.RewindMovie = TheImage.AnimationSettings.PlaySettings.RewindMovie
.StopAfterSlides = TheImage.AnimationSettings.PlaySettings.StopAfterSlides
End With
.TextLevelEffect = TheImage.AnimationSettings.TextLevelEffect
.TextUnitEffect = TheImage.AnimationSettings.TextUnitEffect
End With
End With
If Not TheImage Is Nothing Then TheImage.Delete
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description
UpdateImage_BuildNewFromFile = False
UpdateImage_BuildNewFromFile = False
End Function