Monday, June 28, 2010

Powerpoint 2003 Replace Image

So Powerpoint 2007 has a nice easy right-click option on an image to choose a new image file and keep everything else unchanged (especially animations). Unfortunately, those still using 2003 are pretty much SOL, at least without using VBA.

So here's some VBA for doing this. You'll have to set up a UI, and pass in the shape to use (get selected shape using: ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1) ). So basically the code looks at the passed in shape, creates a new shape, copies all the properties from the old shape to the new, and deletes the old shape.

Function UpdateImage_BuildNewFromFile(TheImage As PowerPoint.Shape, ImageFile As String) As Boolean
' Create a new shape and add the image (unlinked) from TheImage, copy attributes and size, position, etc...
UpdateImage_BuildNewFromFile = True
On Error Resume Next
'On Error GoTo PROC_ERR
If TheImage Is Nothing Then GoTo PROC_ERR_BELOW
If ImageFile = "" Then GoTo PROC_ERR_BELOW
If Not TypeOf TheImage.Parent Is Slide Then GoTo PROC_ERR_BELOW
Dim TheSlide As PowerPoint.Slide
Set TheSlide = TheImage.Parent
Dim NewShape As PowerPoint.Shape
Set NewShape = TheSlide.Shapes.AddPicture(ImageFile, msoFalse, msoTrue, 100, 100)
With NewShape
With .PictureFormat
.CropBottom = TheImage.PictureFormat.CropBottom
.CropLeft = TheImage.PictureFormat.CropLeft
.CropRight = TheImage.PictureFormat.CropRight
.CropTop = TheImage.PictureFormat.CropTop
.Brightness = TheImage.PictureFormat.Brightness
.ColorType = TheImage.PictureFormat.ColorType
.Contrast = TheImage.PictureFormat.Contrast
.TransparentBackground = TheImage.PictureFormat.TransparentBackground
End With
.Left = TheImage.Left
.Top = TheImage.Top
.Width = TheImage.Width
.Height = TheImage.Height
SetZPosition NewShape, TheImage.ZOrderPosition
With .AnimationSettings
.AdvanceMode = TheImage.AnimationSettings.AdvanceMode
.AdvanceTime = TheImage.AnimationSettings.AdvanceTime
.AfterEffect = TheImage.AnimationSettings.AfterEffect
.Animate = TheImage.AnimationSettings.Animate
.AnimateBackground = TheImage.AnimationSettings.AnimateBackground
.AnimateTextInReverse = TheImage.AnimationSettings.AnimateTextInReverse
.AnimationOrder = TheImage.AnimationSettings.AnimationOrder
.ChartUnitEffect = TheImage.AnimationSettings.ChartUnitEffect
.DimColor = TheImage.AnimationSettings.DimColor
.EntryEffect = TheImage.AnimationSettings.EntryEffect
With .PlaySettings
.ActionVerb = TheImage.AnimationSettings.PlaySettings.ActionVerb
.HideWhileNotPlaying = TheImage.AnimationSettings.PlaySettings.HideWhileNotPlaying
.LoopUntilStopped = TheImage.AnimationSettings.PlaySettings.LoopUntilStopped
.PauseAnimation = TheImage.AnimationSettings.PlaySettings.PauseAnimation
.PlayOnEntry = TheImage.AnimationSettings.PlaySettings.PlayOnEntry
.RewindMovie = TheImage.AnimationSettings.PlaySettings.RewindMovie
.StopAfterSlides = TheImage.AnimationSettings.PlaySettings.StopAfterSlides
End With
.TextLevelEffect = TheImage.AnimationSettings.TextLevelEffect
.TextUnitEffect = TheImage.AnimationSettings.TextUnitEffect
End With
End With

If Not TheImage Is Nothing Then TheImage.Delete

On Error GoTo 0
Exit Function

MsgBox Err.Description
UpdateImage_BuildNewFromFile = False

UpdateImage_BuildNewFromFile = False
End Function

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